Tuesday 30 December 2014

The Book Trumps The Kindle

   In this day and age, interactive books are a godsend when travelling or commuting, but I am sad to learn that there have been suggestions of the kindle being favoured over the traditional book. There are so many reasons why being a book lover is the best thing in the world to me. I love the fact that there are stores purely dedicated to folks who share the same enthusiasm, places where you can drink coffee and read. The feel of a book in your hand, the rough faded pages rustle as you turn over, the spine is wrinkled because it's loved, the pages a little torn from excitement. Then there's the smell of a book - nothing delights me more. What about the special purchase of a hardback? If it's a hardback it's a book I've been waiting for or a classic that I'm obsessed with; it gets special treatment and is treasured. A bookshelf is a pleasure all its own, a place to marvel at your favourite titles, a place for your new babies to live and something you love to look at and love others to look at. 
A book is an investment, something that can be passed on to hundreds of others in a lifetime. A book is something that is loved by everyone that chooses to love it and hated by none. Books are unique and joyful creations that can never be replaced. The starry night time stories of childhood are as prominent in our adult lives as they were when told to us; books can't be forgotten. They define who we are and sometimes how we became who we are. 
The pages of a book tells a story to the next owner. I've found books with secret notes and diary entries in, books with doodles, books with torn out pages. Every owner has had their own special relationship with each one they read. Tear stains, ink blotches, margin notes, broken spine, missing pages; it all means something. Then you wonder, why have these pages been torn out? Who were they crying over? Were they happy tears? Were they tears at all? Why were they using green ink? Did they feel the same as me when they read this chapter? 'Oh, someone's signed their name here, I better do the same'. A book can become your best friend.

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