Tuesday 13 January 2015

An Alphabet of Weird and Wonderful Words You Never Knew Existed

A - argle-bargle: copious but meaningless chit chat or writing.

B - barmecide: illusionary or imaginary and is therefore disappointing.

C - callithumpian: a discordant band or noisy parade.

D - deipnosophist: someone killed in the art of dining or dinner conversation.

E - ensorcell: to enchant or fascinate someone.

F - futz: to waste time or busy yourself aimlessly.

G - gasconade: Extravagant boasting.

H - hoddy-noddy: a foolish person.

I - incunabula: books printed before 1501.

J - jumbuck: another word for a sheep.

K - kylie: a boomerang.

L - lollygag: to spend time being lazy.

M - meacock: a coward.

N - noctambulist: a sleep walker.

O - ogdoad: a group or set of eight.

P - pollex: another word for your thumb.

Q - quackle: to choke or suffocate.

R - rubiginous: rust-coloured.

S - snollgoster: a person with no principles.

T - triskaidekaphobia: extreme superstition about the number thirteen.

U - umbriferous: shady.

V - vicinal: next to/ adjacent.

W - winbibber: a heavy drinker/ alcoholic.

X - xenology: the scientific study of extraterrestrial life.

Y - yapness: hunger.

Z - zoolatry: the worship of animals.

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